I’ll be honest…
… this week there’s things some things going on that mean I’m not in the right place to write the normal optimistic, uplifting blog post I usually aim for.
This week I wanted to write something true and authentic, and ultimately be real. Because my intuition says that a large part about what we share of our lives online, isn’t a reflection of our true-selves or how we are feeling at that point in time.
Contrasting this, I’m sure that you’ve had adverts from multi-millionaire, 20 year old entrepreneurs bombard your newsfeed, particularly over the last year, all of whom are desperate to teach you their secret for a small price.
And what’s more with the photos of their lavish lifestyles, private jets and fast cars, how could you not want to get your own piece of the action that these ‘entrepreuneurs’ have achieved so easily.
In my experience, the truth about running your own business could not look more different.
If you read this blog to gain tips about being self employed or setting up your own business, I would implore you to look very critically the sentiment that people like this are pitching.
As always you must take my advice with a pinch of salt, I’m only 27 and still very much at the bottom of the mountain when it comes to being a successful businessman.
One of my favourite podcasts is hosted by two comedians, one is 22 year old and the other 46 year old.
In a recent episode the 46 year old went on a comical tirade about how although teenagers today are in many ways perhaps the luckiest generation that have ever existed on this planet, the majority mope around, despondent and miserable, always longing for more and unappreciative of what they have.
When analysing the root cause of this issue, unsurprisingly social media was brought up.
I noticed recently that my habit of watching Instagram stories first thing in the morning was perhaps one of the most negative and self-destructive things I do.
Regardless of what I’ve achieved the day before or what I’m doing that day, it doesn’t’ take long to find someone who’s using a better camera, or working on a bigger set and ultimately send me down a negative path, where I criticise myself for not being more successful.
And that’s not healthy.
Coming back to the podcast the somewhat sagacious 46 year old drove home his point with a very matter of fact assertion that although overall life is great, the majority of moments it comprises, isn’t.
And if we expect every day to be filled with the magic moments so easily accessible by social media, no wonder we’re going to feel saddened that our lives, both personal and working, aren’t as amazing as we’re expecting.
All my experience and intuition says that much like life, although overall it may be incredible to be self employed and run your own business, the majority of the minutia that make up day to day running a business, are moments that really aren’t all that great.
The reality is not helicopters, private jets and luxury yachts, in my experience of business, it’s long hours grinding away with the occasional phenomenal moment that reminds you why are you sacrificing so much for and I hope if you are thinking of being your own boss you are lucky enough to regularly experience lots of these.
As always I draw reference to the working lives of many business owners I’m lucky to call friends and although they are at a level of success I dream of, they’re still battling with the day to day tasks I also have to do, doing accounts, budgeting, continually having to innovate their offering to compete.
My intuition says that this is the reality of running your own business.
If you are feeling pressured that you’re in your twenties and should be living the lifestyle all those ‘entrepreneurs’ on Facebook appear to, don’t be.
Because if you are truly a great ‘entrepreneur’ why are you spending millions on personal luxuries and not re-investing it in to things that will make you billions.
To put in perspective Mark Zuckerburg is worth over $65 Billion, but wears jeans, plain t-shirts and drives a Honda*
In closing, we all want life to be wall to wall amazing, but be real, it’s not like that.
And if you’re expecting it to be, my intuition says it’s not healthy, productive or beneficial.
There’s good times and bad times, both are important.
So remember, be real and I wish you every success,
*I obviously can’t state this complete certainty, but from the information I’ve seen it appears to be true.
What I’m Currently Reading…
‘Crushing It’ — by Gary Vaynerchuk — it’s a great one! Check it out here… https://amzn.to/2t13pmR)
About Jack
I help people, brands and business communicate more effectively with their customers through visual, audio and written content.
I do this through Southpaw Sport, the sports content marketing company I’m currently building as well as on a freelance basis working for agencies and production companies.
Visit www.jacktompkins.co
You can follow me on YouTube where I post weekly vlogs sharing my experience and opinion on content production.
YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/user/jackt18
And my social media for behind the scenes look at what I’m up to
Instagram — @jackwrtompkins
Twitter — @jackwrtompkins